"Friends" was a wildly popular sitcom that aired from 1994 to 2004, following the lives and relationships of six close-knit friends living in New York City. The show's memorable characters, witty writing, and relatable storylines made it a cultural phenomenon, and it remains beloved by audiences to this day. Central Perk, the fictional coffeehouse where the characters often met and hung out, became an iconic location in popular culture and is still frequently referenced in media and merchandise.
Quench your thirst with this amazing Friends Central Perk 14 oz. Ceramic Camper Mug! This ceramic mug measures about 3 3/4-inches tall and is a must have for fans of the hit television sitcom Friends..
CAUTION: Do not microwave. Hand wash only. Not dishwasher safe.
Proudly brought to you by Popcultcha, Australia's largest and most comprehensive merch online store! Click HERE to see the full range of our Bar and Kitchen Accessories!
We don't like to brag at Popcultcha, but having been in the collectables industry for over 27 years now, we know all about mint condition collectables and the fastidious nature of collecting stuff! What's more is that most of us Popcultcha Peeps are collectors ourselves! What this means for you is that we pack your orders the way we like to receive our own orders, so we take the utmost care in ensuring your goodies get from our HQ to your home safely and securely.
Here at Popcultcha, we take pride in ensuring that your goods are packed carefully and arrive safely to your nominated delivery address. We recognise the importance of buying mint condition collectables and do the best we possibly can to ensure they remain that way from door to door. However, sometimes items do become damaged in transit or there is some sort of manufacturing issue thereby making the goods unfit for their intended purpose. If this is the case with your item, please contact Popcultcha immediately via email to info@popcultcha.com or via telephone on 1300 586 291 (Aussie Hotline) or +61 3 5240 7979 (International Customers). Popcultcha will only accept returns, process refunds, or exchange goods if we are contacted or notified within 7 days of you receiving the goods at your nominated delivery address. Upon us receiving the notification of damage or a manufacturing issue, we may request photographic evidence of the parcel and/or the particular product that has the issue. We will review this photo and contact you at our earliest convenience to discuss you options in relation to the product issue.